WAG runs a diverse range of classes. We teach painting in oils, acrylic and watercolour, have life drawing classes and print making. Our classes cater for beginners and experienced artists.
Come along to our Tuesday morning social group. We meet at the rooms each Tuesday from 9.30am - 12.30pm. Cost is $5.00 and is on a casual basis.
The Children’s Folio Club is run by Tim Jones and is for school aged children. Classes for primary students are available on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 4pm - 6pm. Secondary student classes are Monday 6.15pm - 8.15pm.
We run a variety of workshops for both members and non-members. Future workshops will be advertised on our website and via our Social Media.
Our WAG rooms contain the wonderful resource of a reference library. You are welcome to come in and have a look. We also run public art shows on the Kings Birthday weekend in June and Melbourne Cup weekend in November. To showcase a work in these you are required to be a financial member. Fees are $60 per year. Please contact us for further information.
Come and participate in a social outing with us. We occasionally run gallery visits, weekend painting trips and other art excursions.